The Sedimentological Society of Japan
�ネ�ユ�ア�セ�カ�ム�サ?�ム�ァ�サ? �サ瞞�ア�・�レ?�・�ク

Sedimentary Geology フリア?ナ、ホヤュク蠧シシッ

ゥァ」ワ」ッゥァ。。ネユアセカムサ?ムァサ癸。・??・?ヒ・??・ケ 。? 2003ト凜オヤツ22ネユ」ィオレ15コナ」ゥ
トホチシエ?タホ?イマネノ?隍? Sedimentary Geology フリア?ナ、ホヤュク蠧シシッ、ホークトレ、ャス?ュ、゙、キ、ソ」ョケリ
、オ、ニ」ャカムサ?ムァサ盒コ、ホタ?サ盖?ユ、ホ・キ・?ン・ク・ヲ・爨ネソメヌラサ皃ホミエユ讀?eb ノマ、ヒ・「・テ・ラ、キ、゙、キ、ソ」ョ
Sedimentary Geology フリア?ナ、ホヤュク蠧シシッ
。。Sedimentary Geology フリア?ナ、ホヤュク蠧シシッ、ャ・ェ・鬣?タ、ホWeltje、ォ、鮨?ュ、゙、キ、ソ。」サ瞞ア、ホヨミ
Prof. Niichi Nishiwaki
Faculty of Social Research, Nara University
1500 Misasagicho, Nara City, 631-8502, Japan
Phone:+81-742-41-9555, Fax:+81-742-41-0650
E-mail: niichi」タ
Dear colleagues,
At the EGS-AGU-EUG 2003 conference we announced our intention to edit a special
issue of the journal Sedimentary Geology, based on the presentations in session
TS 16 "Towards quantitative provenance analysis." We also send this message to
others who may be interested in contributing a paper to this special issue,
which will be entitled:
"Quantitative Provenance Analysis of Sediments"
Guest editors: Gert Jan Weltje (Delft University of Technology, TheNetherlands)
and Hilmar von Eynatten (University of Goettingen, Germany)
Quantitative provenance analysis of sediments embraces all kinds of research
aiming at an understanding of the factors governing sediment production and
supply to basins. The history of a sediment is determined by the properties of
its parent rocks, by tectonics and climate in the source area, modes of
transport and deposition, and, when dealing with sedimentary rocks, the
diagenetic overprint. Unravelling the history of sediments is a challenging
task, that requires interdisciplinary efforts of sedimentologists,
petrographers, mineralogists, geochemists, geochronologists, structural
geologists, stratigraphers, mathematical geologists, and geomorphologists.
Recent progress in this field has been driven by improved data acquisition and
processing methodologies. Our intention is to capture some of the exciting new
insights obtained from applications of such methods. The planned special issue
will encompass methodological approaches and case studies with a focus on:
(i) statistical approaches to analysis and characterisation of sediment
composition as a means to develop and apply mathematically rigorous standards of
provenance analysis;
(ii) constraining robust petrologic features of source rocks, which may serve as
a basis for quantifying their contribution to the sediment;
(iii) deciphering rates of cooling and exhumation in source areas;
(iv) numerical modelling of the various processes that constrain sediment
composition, such as weathering, transport and diagenesis;
(v) quantifying relative as well as absolute sediment fluxes and denudation
rates (mass-balance methods);
(vi) the relation between rates of sediment production and supply, sequence
stratigraphy, and basin analysis.
If you are interested in contributing to this special issue, we encourage you to
submit a provisional title with names of authors as soon as possible.
The schedule is as follows:
Reply before June 1, with provisional contribution
Deadline for submission of ms. on October 1
Return reviewed ms. to authors on January 15
Submission of revised ms. before March 1
Hoping to hear from you soon,
Yours faithfully,
Gert Jan Weltje & Hilmar von Eynatten
Dr G.J. Weltje
Delft University of Technology
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences
Department of Applied Earth Sciences
PO Box 5028
NL-2600 GA Delft
The Netherlands
Tel. +31 15 2785722
Fax +31 15 2781189
E-mail: g.j.weltje」タ
。?。ネユアセカムサ?ムァサ癸。ハツホ?ヨ。。taiseki」タ。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 。?
TEL: 029-228-8391 (ーイフル), 8238 (トチメー), 8268 (メチフル) FAX: 228-8405
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