The Sedimentological Society of Japan


 国際堆積学会議は,国際堆積学協会(International Association of Sedimentologists)が中心となって開催される国際会議で,4年に1回、500名から1000名の参加者で世界各地において開催されています.日本および東アジア地域で初めてとなる第17回国際堆積学会議(ISC2006)が2006年8月27日-9月1日に福岡において開催されることが決まりました.

ISC2006 プログラム委員会 保柳康一(

現在検討中のSpecial Symposium
1) Tectonics, climate, and sedimentation
  Tectonics, volcanism, and sedimentation across island arcs
  Monsoons and Himalaya : tectonics, climate and land-ocean linkages
2) Environmental sedimentology and human society
  Coastal environment and human activity
  Catastrophic sedimentary processes: mechanism and hazard mitigation
3) New target and innovation in resource sedimentology
  Gas Hydrates: Origin, explorations, and resource potential.
  3D seismic technology for exploration and sedimentary body analysis
4) Evolution of biosphere and geosphere
  Microbial processes and products in sedimentary system
  Boundary events and global changes
5) Frontier in sedimentology
  Boundary events and global changes
  Role of sedimentology in earth drilling projects (IODP & ICDP)
  Extraterrestrial sedimentology
  Integrated strata formation analysis

Theme 1: Siliciclastic depositional systems and sequence stratigraphy
  Lacustrine sediment and environmental record
  Glacial sediments
  Estuarine and deltaic systems
  Fluvial systems
  Eolian sediments
  Fan deltas
  Resedimentation in deep-water systems
  Deep-sea fan sedimentation
  Sea-level changes and sequence architecture

Theme 2: Carbonate and evaporite
  Carbonate sediments: environment and processes
  Carbonate diagenesis, geochemistry and hydrogeochemistry
  Ultra high resolution analysis of coral skeletons
  Spelothem and cave deposits

Theme 3: Sedimentary processes and experimental sedimentology
  Experimental sedimentology
  Sedimentary processes
  Shallow marine processes and sedimentation

Theme 4: Basin analysis and Numerical modeling
  Tectonics and sedimentation
  Sedimentation in rift basins
  Basin analysis and stratigraphic modeling

Theme 5: Sedimentary petrology, clay mineralogy and inorganic geochemistry
  Sandstone petrology and diagenesis
  Clay mineralogy
  Inorganic geochemistry and chemostratigraphy

Theme 6: Volcaniclastic sedimentology
  Volcaniclastic sediments
  Hydrothermal systems: modern and ancient

Theme 7: Marine geology and Paleoceanography

Theme 8: Paleontology and sedimentation
  Biostratigraphy and sedimentology

Theme 9: Environmental and applied sedimentology
  Geohazard: landslide, liquifaction and gravity flow
  Environmental sedimentology

Theme 10: Resource sedimentology
  Hydrocarbon deposits: coal, petroleum and gasses
  Organic sedimentology and geochemistry

Theme 11: Miscellaneous
  Paleoclimate, pedology and weathering
  New technology for sediment analysis

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