Announcing the reorganization of the Sedimentological Society of Japan
...................................................... Yasuhiko Makino, President 1
Shoreface sediments in the Pleistocene Shimosa Group in the Namekata Upland,
Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan
............................................................... Hiroko Okazaki 3- 4
Organic geology of the Miocene muddy rocks in the Tsugaru basin, northern Honshu,
Japan .................... Yoshihiro Ujiie, Kuniko Nishimura and Etsuko Taira 5- 16
Fine-grained sediments dispersion in the eastern part of Osaka Bay, based on distribution of remains of Pediastrum biwae (fresh water green alga) from the Yodo
River ....................................... Misao Hongo and Takeshi Nakajo 17- 26
Ocean current-dominated sedimentary facies of the Upper Miocene Bangamoriyama and
Aoso Formations to the north of Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture, Northeast Japan
........................................ Mamiko Yoshida and Masaaki Tateishi 27- 39
Founders of sedimentology (4) - Pioneers in sedimentary petrology
............................................................... Hakuyu Okada 41- 45
Book Reviews
Conference Reports
Report on the SEPM Research Conference: Incised Valleys, Images and Processes
................................................................ Akiko Omura 53- 57
Announcements ................................................................. 59- 75