================================================================ 日本堆積学会 メールマガジン ◆2020年1月9日(901号) ================================================================ 日本堆積学会の皆様 今般、日本堆積学会と石油技術協会探鉱技術委員会との共催により、下記の 要領にて、砂岩分科会講演会を行います。講演会終了後には懇親会も開催い たします。講演会・懇親会ともども、ふるってご参加ください。 砂岩分科会 石油技術協会探鉱技術委員会-日本堆積学会共催 日 時:2020年1月17日(金)16:00ー17:30 場 所:国際石油開発帝石? 赤坂Bizタワー36階セミナールーム(東京都港区 赤坂5丁目3番1号 赤坂Bizタワー:東京メトロ千代田線赤坂駅からすぐ) 講演者:大野 研也 (国際石油開発帝石) 演題:DEEPWATER SLOPE CHANNELS ON ACTIVE CONTINENTAL MARGINS, EOCENE FOREARC BASIN, CALIFORNIA: ARCHITECTURE AND FROUDE SUPERCRITICAL FLOW CHANNEL FILLS 講演言語:日本語を予定(聴講者の希望があれば英語) 講演会参加には、事前登録が必要です(下記)。 講演会終了後、会場近傍にて懇親会(18:00-20:00、会費4,000円程度を予定)を 開催致します。 懇親会の出欠も併せてご連絡ください。 砂岩分科会座長 戸田数馬(石油資源開発?/ kazuma.todajapex.co.jp ) 小林博文(国際石油開発帝石?/ hirofumi.kobayashiinpex.co.jp ) <申し込み方法> 会場の赤坂Bizタワー入館には登録が必要です。講演会・懇親会の参加希望の方は,下記までメールにてお申し込みください (1月14日までに)。 申し込み先メールアドレス: kazuma.todajapex.co.jp (担当:JAPEX戸田数馬) Title ( 演 題 ) : DEEPWATER SLOPE CHANNELS ON ACTIVE CONTINENTAL MARGINS, EOCENE FOREARC BASIN, CALIFORNIA: ARCHITECTURE AND FROUDE SUPERCRITICAL FLOW CHANNEL FILLS Abstract (講演要旨) The study focuses on the southern California active margin continental slopes, and tests the hypothesis that deepwater slope architectures on active continental margins differ from passive margins or foreland basins due to both the structurally-controlled steep gradients, and the narrowness of the shelf platform. These controlling factors allow the high-gradient hinterland to connect directly to the steep deepwater slope and are insusceptible to relative sea-level change. This high-gradient hinterland to deepwater slope margin causes the direct and sustained sediment supply from the river to the continental slope. To test this hypothesis, two main study regions were chosen in the Eocene forearc deepwater basins filled with the Great Valley Sequence Belt, which are the La Jolla Group, exposed north of San Diego, and the Juncal Formation in Frazier Park. Field work in these two regions allowed for a comparison between two types of deepwater slope systems. Both systems are highly channelized, as was hypothesized to be characteristic for active margins. The La Jolla prograding channel complexes demonstrate a highly channelized upper slope environment with considerably lower slope progradation rate, as compared to passive margins or foreland basins. The Juncal slope fan complex demonstrates that the majority of the fan volume is formed by avulsive channel complexes without lobe elements. The channel fills in both systems span from heterolithic fine-grained channel fills, to sandy to heterolithic channel fill, and sandy fills with basal conglomerates. All the channel fills indicate an abundance of bypass signatures. This is especially remarkable for the heterolithic channel fills, which are different from the existing models for fine-grained channel fills that consider channel abandonment or passive infill. Furthermore, all channel fills are interpreted to be dominated by Froude supercritical flow deposits due to pervasive scour-and-fill structures with backsets. This suggests that the Froude supercritical flow may control the observed highly irregular shape and distribution of the sandstones (e.g., mounded shape and mosaic-like facies distribution) in the channel fills. The studied channel complexes provide an outcrop analog for modern sea-floor upslope migrating scour and fill structures that form crescent-shape bedforms in channels and submarine canyons. This work and the comparison to modern systems and flume experiments suggest that supercritical flow and bypassing turbidity currents are significant processes on active continental margins due to both high sediment supply, and the steep hinterland to continental margin slopes. ================================================================ <訂正>2020年1月6日に配信したメルマガの番号が間違っていました。正しくは「堆積学会 メルマガ900号:2020年年頭にあたってのご挨拶と日本堆積学会新体制の紹介」でした。 ================================================================ # 不達メールアドレスは随時配信リストより削除します. # メルマガのバックナンバーは堆積学会ホームページからご覧いただけます. ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 日本堆積学会 事務局 〒305-8567 茨城県つくば市東1-1-1中央第七 産業技術総合研究所 地質調査総合センター(小松原純子)内 メールアドレス: ホームページURL: http://sediment.jp/ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■
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