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日本堆積学会 会員ページ

  Leeds大学David Hodgson教授講演会のお知らせ

日本堆積学会 メールマガジン ◆2019年8月21日(887号)

Leeds大学David Hodgson教授講演会(石油技協砂岩分科会と共催)のお知らせ

深海環境における堆積学の分野で世界をリードされている英国Leeds大学のDavid Hodgson教授の
(なお、今回のDavid Hodgson教授の来日および本講演会の開催にあたっては、千葉大学伊藤慎教授

日 時:2019年9月11日(水)15:30-17:30
場 所:国際石油開発帝石株式会社(INPEX) 赤坂Bizタワー36階セミナールーム
   (東京都港区赤坂5丁目3番1号 赤坂Bizタワー:東京メトロ千代田線赤坂駅からすぐ)
演 題:Karoo Basin, South Africa: a natural laboratory for deep-water sedimentology
        and stratigraphy research
講 師:David Hodgson博士(Leeds大学)
会費 4,000 円程度を予定
メールにてお申し込みください (8月30日までに)。

Karoo Basin, South Africa: a natural laboratory for deep-water sedimentology and stratigraphy research

David Hodgson, University of Leeds, UK

The Slope (15 years) and Lobe (12 years) Joint Industry Programs
(JIPs) have produced unique digital and physical data sets of deep-water systems for application
during exploration, appraisal, and development stages, and provided the basis for training both
industry professionals and researchers. Both consortium projects are founded on outcrop-based data
collection and analysis from the Permian deep-water strata exhumed in the Karoo Basin, South Africa.
The Karoo Basin is one of the most important examples of exhumed deep-water systems in the world
due to the extensive high-quality exposures, and the scale of systems meaning it is an appropriate
analogue for many subsurface systems. As such, study of this region allows for quantitative data
collection across a range of scales within well constrained stratigraphic framework. The Slope JIP
has run for 4 phases since 2003. In that time we have employed and trained 4 research fellows, 8 PhD
students, 7 research boreholes (~1.5km core) have been drilled, and ~24 papers published. Some of
the highlights of the research program that have direct application to the industry are: - A detailed
depositional architecture of two juxtaposed submarine channel-levee systems, with identification of
an exhumed internal levee succession.
- Recognition criteria to discriminate between different thin-bedded sedimentary environments on
the submarine slope, including channel margin, external levees, bypass-dominated zones, and internal levees.
- Identification of the bounding surfaces to slope valleys being highly time transgressive, and mapping
of multiple systems from slope valleys, through channel-levee systems to basinfloor lobe complexes. - 
This lead to an explanation for the repeated observation of progradation of deep-water systems ? 
the base sand in a submarine fan gets younger basinward. - The first quantification of sediment volumes
and sand percentage in channel-levees versus basin-floor fans, suggesting more sediment is stored in
levees and that flows are strongly density stratified. The Lobe JIP has run for 2 phases, with a third
phase starting in 2018, and we have employed and trained 2 research fellows, 4 PhD students, ~7 research
boreholes (~2 km core) have been drilled, and ~12 papers published. Some of the highlights of the research
program that have direct application to the industry are:
- Development of a hierarchy of lobe elements, which have been successfully exported to other systems, and
demonstration of compensational stacking across multiple scales of hierarchy - The quantification of lobe
geometry and volumes for the first time, and the demonstration that the scales of lobes do not vary
significantly across systems helping to constrained correlation length scales - Recognition criteria for
intraslope lobes, proximal lobes, and channel-lobe transition zones (including sediment waves and scour-fills),
and for frontal vs. lateral lobe fringe settings - Analogues for basin-floor stratigraphic traps in different
palaeogeographic positions, and their close association with injectite networks. The quality and utility of
the deliverables, whether conceptual and quantified, can have direct economic impacts on business decision-
making during exploration, appraisal, and production stages of reservoir development. This is not only about
reducing risk and improving prediction, but understanding how deep-water systems work, and providing
quantitative data. This body of work also provides a basis for new research questions, which are further
informed by the ongoing interactions with industry users of the data.


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