The Sedimentological Society of Japan
日本堆積学会 会員ページ

INQUA 2015 コンターライトセッションのご案内

日本堆積学会 メールマガジン ◆2014年10月10日(587号)

Hereby we have the pleasure to inform you about the organization of the
session "Revealing palaeoceanographic variability from Contourite
Depositional Systems: state-of-the-art and future challenges" during the
XIX INQUA Congress, organized from 27 July to 2 August, 2015, in Nagoya,
Japan. The title for this congress is “Quaternary Perspectives on Climate
Change, Natural Hazards and Civilization”.

We kindly invite you to consider submitting an abstract for this session.
You can find the abstract of the session below.

The call for abstracts and preregistration will open soon and will close on
20 December 2014.

You may find more information of this meeting on or
through Facebook

ABSTRACT of session:

Contourite Depositional Systems contain an association of erosional and
depositional sedimentary features, which are driven through a complex
interaction of bottom currents, pre-existing seabed morphology and sediment
supply, reflecting the oceanographic response on the variable atmospheric
processes. Although most of the large present-day contourite drifts have
been initiated within the Neogene, they all experienced an intensification
since the start of the Quaternary, whereas some responded even more
vigorously with respect to the Middle Pleistocene Revolution. Both
geophysical records as coring and drilling, allow to extract a wealth of
palaeoceanographic information from the contourite deposits, enabling to
reconstruct the spatially and temporally variable currents pathways,
orientation, intensities, as well as all related water-mass properties.
During the last decade, improved technologies and a higher awareness of the
contourite paradigm has revealed more small-scaled examples along the ocean
margins, as well as in shallow water environments and even within lakes.

This session aims to further increase the awareness and the (sensitive)
palaeoceanographic recording potential of Contourite Depositional Systems
in presenting a collection of state-of-the-art case studies from all
possible depositional environments and to address the future challenges in
this multidisciplinary domain. One of the major challenges include to
better understand the dynamic link between various contouritic erosive or
depositional features and their driving physical oceanographic processes.
Whereas initially this was solely coupled to the deep-water thermo-haline
circulation, it has become evident that local bottom current
intensification, for example through internal tides or amplification by
topographic obstacles, play a larger role than previously expected.
Additionally, more reports are being made of an opportunistic feed-back
loop between contouritic processes and cold-water coral reefs and mounds.
In addressing the above topics, and others, we endeavor to improve the
existing set of diagnostic criteria, aiming to fully access to the
palaeoceanographic potential locked inside the contouritic log-book.


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