================================================================= 日本堆積学会 メールマガジン ◆2014年1月6日(529号) ================================================================= ---------------------------- EGUセッションのご案内 ---------------------------- 横川美和会員より下記のセッションのご案内です. 日本堆積学会会員の皆さま 2014年4月27日-5月2日にウィーンで行われるEGUにおいて,”Sedimentary structures formed by upper-regime flows: From antidunes to cyclic steps"と題するセッションを持ちます. 今年は残念ながらJpGUの開催時期と重なってしまっていますが,このセッションに関する話題をお持ちの方に是非ご投稿頂きたく,ご案内申し上げます. 講演要旨〆切が1月16日に迫っております. 近々のご案内で恐縮ですが,どうぞよろしくお願い申し上げます. 横川美和 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Details of the session can be found here: http://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU2014/session/15112 The deadline for abstract submission is January 16. SSP3.1.3 - Sedimentary structures formed by upper-regime flows: From antidunes to cyclic steps Conveners: Svetlana Kostic, Miwa Yokokawa, Guilhem Amin Douillet In the past decades, several studies have evoked sedimentary structures formed by upper-regime flows, including antidunes and cyclic steps (chute and pool structures). Yet, a substantial gap remains in our understanding of these structures and their significance. Most of our knowledge on bedforms such as antidunes and cyclic steps still comes from flume experiments since their identification and interpretation from the stratigraphic record remain sparse. That is, at least in part, due to a low preservation of deposits associated with high-energy events. Commonly reported examples include antidunes and cyclic steps formed by catastrophic free-surface flows (e.g. j?kulhlaup and lahars), subaqueous density currents (e.g. hyperpycnal glacial flows and turbidity currents), and subaerial pyroclastic density currents. The objective of this session is to bring together experimentalists, and numerical modelers and field geologists with an expertise in sedimentology, fluid mechanics and related disciplines to shed some light on the genesis and sedimentary patterns of these sedimentary structures and the complex flow-sediment interaction that forms them. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ===================================================== # 不達メールアドレスは随時配信リストより削除します. # メルマガのバックナンバーは堆積学会ホームページからご覧いただけます. ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 日本堆積学会 事務局 〒606-8502 京都市左京区北白川追分町 京都大学理学部地質学鉱物学教室(成瀬)内 メールアドレス: ホームページURL: http://sediment.jp/ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■
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